Share a USB Hard Drive With Everyone on Your Wi-Fi Network Using Your Router

Share a USB Hard Drive With Everyone on Your Wi-Fi Network Using Your Router

Take advantage of the USB port of your router with just the small trick. If you are interested to share USB drive data with all of the users that are connected to your router. This article is just for you.

Make sure your USB is properly connected with your router. Open your web browser and type the IP address of your router in the address bar then press the enter. In my case, it’s

IP address of the router

Type the Username and Password for your router. Click the login button to access all the settings of your router.

Username and password of the router

When the configuration page is open click on the Advanced Setup and look for the Storage Service and click on the Storage Service. If there is no problem in all steps that you follow then it will show you the USB (Volume name, File System, Total/Used space and many other details).

Advanced setting of the router

Go to the Start menu and type RUN and press enter. Type the IP address of the router and press enter, in my case it will be like \\\

IP address of router in RUN

With that, your USB drive has appeared with files and folder which is already present in it. You can add or delete the file/folder from the USB drive simply.

Files and folders of the USB drive which is connected to router

Now you can see all data present in the USB drive and add some other data or delete some data you want to delete.



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About the Author: Hamza Waseem

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