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How to Convert Text to a Table in Microsoft Word

Have you ever tried adding text to your document to find it would fit better in a table? After all, a table delivers a stable structure and appearance. In Microsoft…

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How to Disable Dark Mode in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word’s dark mode uses a dark theme for your entire user interface. If you’d like to maintain your page’s color white while still operating dark mode, or if you…

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What is the effective Way to Backup Your Computer?

Everyone loses data at some point in their life. Dragging and dropping files onto a hard drive is enough. If you’re not regularly backing up your computer, you could lose…

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How to Configure Microsoft Word for APA Writing Format

The APA citation and referencing method is a popular method used by colleges/universities to avoid plagiarism. Whether you are writing an assignment or a research paper you might require APA…

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How to Add Hyperlinks in Word Document

Whether you are writing an article or creating an official document or assignment drafting them in Microsoft Word is a good idea to avoid mistakes. However, we usually draft a…

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How to Hide and Show the Ribbon/Tabs in the Excel

Microsoft Excel has a Ribbon display option feature that allows you to customize the Ribbon and also the Tabs that appear top of the screen. Sometimes you need much space…

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CVS file

How to convert a CVS file to Excel spreadsheet file

The CVS is a simple format. The tabular data is stored in CVS format. It is the delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. Each line of…

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Microsoft Excel

View Two Sheets Side-by-Side in the Same Workbook in Excel

Sometimes, we need to flip back and forth between two worksheets in order to compare numbers, copy and paste entries, or create formulas. In these instances, it much easier to…

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Create Table

How You Can Create Table to Organize Data in Excel

Adding data to a spreadsheet in  Microsoft Excel gives you the ability to sort data, edit it, and perform a number of different mathematical operations and functions on it. Creating…

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How to Convert the Dates and Times unit in the Excel

Dates and times are two of the most common data types people work within Excel. Excel uses the serial number to represent the data instead of a proper month, day,…

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