How You Can Create Table to Organize Data in Excel

How You Can Create Table to Organize Data in Excel

Adding data to a spreadsheet in  Microsoft Excel gives you the ability to sort data, edit it, and perform a number of different mathematical operations and functions on it. Creating a table is one of the best features in the Excel that you are not using yet. Creating a table is the simplest way to tracing tasks and items. The Table is a collection of rows and columns. You can create a Table in Excel to manage your data. If you want to create a Table then you have to follow the steps below.

Go to the Start menu, type Microsoft  Excel, and click on it to open it.

Start menu to open Excel

Select the Blank worksheet to create a blank table without any data. 

Blank worksheet

Then Select the Columns and Rows where you want to create a Table. 

Select the Rows and Columns

Click on the Insert Tab and click again on the Table option

Select Insert and Table

A new small window is open to verify the range. Verify the range and selects the OK button

Select OK

Now you can see that your selected rows and columns are converted into Table format. You can change the data in each cell of the Table.

Your selected rows and columns are converted into Table


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About the Author: Hamza Waseem

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