How to Use Multiple Audio Devices Simultaneously in Windows 10

How to Use Multiple Audio Devices Simultaneously in Windows 10

Headphones/earphones are a new norm for PC users. Especially when it comes to Gaming we usually prefer headphones over normal speakers. Most Gamers might not even own a set of extra speakers. Mostly this is not a problem however wearing headphones all day can be tiring. You might prefer small earphones or speakers for your normal use. So, usually, when we have to switch our headphones to speakers or earphones for normal use we have to change the audio jack manually or change our default device. With Windows 10 you can use multiple audio devices at the same time if you have extra ports available. You can just Plugin in two devices at once and with a few settings, you will be able to hear sound in both devices.

Another reason for using two audio devices is to watch a movie, play a game etc. with another person if you do not have speakers. Please note this method only works if you are using the same sound card as your output device. If you are using an external USB sound card you will not able to listen to two devices simultaneously if both of them are not connected to the same sound card. However, you can still use different connectors e.g. If your main audio output is on your main sound card and you plug in an HDMI cable to use your LCD embedded speakers you can set up Windows to play sound from both the devices. Please remember this method can only works for listening to two devices simultaneously

Use Multiple Audio Devices in Windows 10

To use multiple audio devices in Windows 10 first make sure that you are using the latest version of your Audio driver. You can update drivers by using Driver Booster. Make sure to plug in both of your Audio devices at once. If you do not have a port available or HDMI or Display port cable available in case of monitor with speakers this method will not work. To Use Multiple audio devices in Windows 10 you need to enable and set up Stereo Mix.

Although, please note that if your sound card is capable of adding multiple speakers you might be able to add more speakers and set it up directly into your sound card. This guide is to provide guidance to people who either don’t have a sound card with multiple ports or they have extra sound ports on their case which they can’t use simultaneously with their Default ports.

Setting Up Stereo Mix

Now if you have completed the above-mentioned steps click on the Start Menu or Search button on the bottom left corner of your screen.

Click on The Start menu or Search button - Use Multiple Audio Devices

Type Sound Settings and open up the Sound Settings.

Click on Sound Settings - Use Multiple Audio Devices

Now in the Sound Settings under related settings click on the Sound Control panel option. If you can’t see this setting click on Maximize first. You can also open this setting from the Control Panel.

Select Sound Control Panel - Use Multiple Audio Devices

In the Sound Control Panel select your default device in the Playback tab and click apply.

Select your Default device - Use Multiple Audio Devices

Now click on the Recording tab and then right-click on the microphone and select Show disabled. devices. You will now be able to see the stereo mix option. If you cannot see it update your audio drivers first.

Click on Recordings and Right clikc on Stereo mix - Use Multiple Audio Devices

Now right click on the stereo mix option and click enable.

Again right-click on the stereo mix and click properties and Now click on the Listen tab in the stereo mix properties.

Now tick the “Listen to this device” option and select the secondary device that you want to output sound through. Do not choose your default device only chose the other device that you plugged in. After selection click on Apply and OK.

You should be able to hear sound from both your devices. You can also test your first device to see if the second also outputs sound. So, click on the playback tab and right-clicking on your default device and selecting Test.

Both of them should respond to the test. However, if the volume is low on your second output device. Just go to recording and open Stereo mix properties again, click on levels, and increase the stereo mix level to 100 percent.

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About the Author: Zeeshan Khan

Zeeshan is a Journalist, Computer Geek and a Technology Enthusiast with a knack for Writing. He is currently working as a Technical Writer for AIIT Solutions and
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