How to Apply for the Blue Tick on Instagram

How to Apply for the Blue Tick on Instagram

Instagram’s blue tick has become one of the most coveted symbols in social media. Blue ticks are social media shortened for saying ‘I’m ‘important’, with celebrities, big brands, and influences or platforms like Twitter and Facebook wearing them with pride, and now they are more accessible than ever on Instagram. 

An update to Instagram made it possible for users to easily apply for verification. It was first used by celebrities so fans could be sure they had found the correct profile. 

For influencers and businesses, verification proves to followers you are accredited, helping to build your personal brand, while displaying credibility and authenticity

How to Apply for Blue Tick


Before 2018, you had no way of requesting the little blue tick, you simply had to hope your account would be chosen, but now users can apply for a blue tick. 

First of all, make sure that your Instagram is up to date. So go to your profile, click on the three-lines and choose the Settings icon.

Click on Setting

In the Settings look for the Accounts tab and click on it.

Click on Accounts

In the Account tab scroll down and click the Request verification button,

Choose Request Verification

On the next page, Instagram asks you to provide some information about you. Type your Full Name and Known As. Then select your category for your account and attach your ID card photo which is provided by the Government. The final step is to click on the Send button and hope for the best. 

Provide all the Information and hit the Send button


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About the Author: Hamza Waseem

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