Dashboard views are usually flexible, allowing the viewer to change criteria easily. For intense, a viewer might want to see the top 10 values in a data set. It is very difficult for you to find out all those cells manually, but in Excel, you can use the conditional formatting to finish this task. Excel offers a few built-in conditional rules for formatting top and bottom values. They are easy to use, but they’re not dynamic. Now follow the steps below and see how it works.
Highlight the Top or Bottom 10 items
First of all select the target range in the Excel worksheet.
Go to the Home tab, click on the Conditional Formatting and select the Top 10 Items from the menu.
When you click on the Top10 Items a new pop-up window appears. Now you can change the number of values of highlights and click on the OK button.
It will instantly highlight the top 10 values from the data with the formatting style you have mentioned.