How to Add Spacing to Zoho SalesIQ Chat Widget

How to Add Spacing to Zoho SalesIQ Chat Widget

If you’re using Zoho SalesIQ on your website, you might want to adjust the positioning of the chat widget for better aesthetics or functionality. This can be achieved by adding custom CSS code directly to your website’s stylesheet. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify the Chat Widget Code: Ensure that Zoho Sales IQ is properly integrated into your website. Usually, this involves embedding a JavaScript code snippet provided by Zoho Sales IQ into your website’s HTML.
  2. Locate Your Website’s CSS File: You need to modify your website’s CSS to add custom styles to the chat widget. Locate your main CSS file, often named style.css, main.css, or something similar, depending on your website’s setup. If your website uses a platform like WordPress, you might find this under Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
  3. Add the Custom CSS Code: Insert the following CSS code into your CSS file:
    .zsiq-float {
    right: 50px !important;
    bottom: 100px !important;
  4. Explanation of the Code:
    • .zsiq-float: This class is used by the Zoho SalesIQ chat widget. Modifying it allows you to control the widget’s positioning.
    • right: 50px !important; Moves the widget 50 pixels to the left, creating space between the widget and the right edge of your screen.
    • bottom: 100px !important; Pushes the widget 100 pixels upwards, creating space from the bottom of the screen.
  5. Save Changes and Test: After adding the CSS, save your changes and refresh your website. Check if the spacing appears as desired.

Benefits of Customizing Chat Widget Spacing

Adjusting the spacing of your Zoho SalesIQ chat widget improves your website’s user interface, making it more organized and visually appealing. Proper positioning prevents the chat widget from obstructing other important elements, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

By following these steps, you can easily fine-tune the position of your Zoho Sales IQ chat widget, enhancing both the look and functionality of your website.

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About the Author: Hamza Waseem

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