How to Create a Custom Homepage in WordPress.

How to Create a Custom Homepage in WordPress.

Creating a custom homepage in WordPress allows you to design a landing page that reflects your brand and caters to your audience’s needs. Here’s a guide

  1. Access the Pages Directory
    • Login to your WordPress account. On the sidebar you will see a bunch of work-related directories.
    • Navigate to Pages > Add New.


    • Title your new page
    • Add the content you want on your homepage. You can use the Gutenberg editor, a page builder
  2. Set the New Page as Your Homepage
    • Navigate to Settings > Reading.


    • In the “Your homepage displays” section, select
      “A static page”.
  3. Customize with Theme Options
    • Go to Appearance > Customize.
    • Look for theme-specific settings for the homepage.
    • Always preview your homepage before making it live.

Thats how you can make custom homepage in WordPress.

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About the Author: Huraira Sarwar

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